
Attention: Buzz Broadband Customers

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Buzz Broadband customers will have a new account number beginning June 1, 2024. This change is necessary to convert the Buzz billing system to improve efficiency and customer service. Your new Buzz account number is needed to make payments or inquiries. It will be the last six digits of the account number shown on your next internet bill. If you have more than one Buzz account, please call Buzz directly to receive your new account numbers at 833-399-2899. Existing Auto-Pay Information will need to be re-enrolled in the new system. To ensure your payment is drafted for the month of June, please go online to My Buzz Account and resubmit your banking number. You can also visit the Buzz office or any CEC office by June 14th. All Buzz Broadband customers should be receiving a bill insert in June that will explain this change and provide an illustration to view.

Why Buzz Broadband?

  • Buzz Broadband is a fiber-based broadband service that brings the highest available broadband speeds at competitive prices to CEC members. Having fast and reliable access to such technology takes the sting out of meeting deadlines, virtual learning, working from home and running a business.

    Because of the impact of high-speed internet on business, education and overall quality of life, providing broadband service will play an integral role in our region’s growth. We believe this service will provide CEC members with the sweetest online experience.

    Reliable and affordable access to fiber-based broadband has been limited for those who live in rural areas. CEC is pleased to help provide a solution that is truly BUZZworthy.