Steady progress continues on the Buzz Broadband network


Steady progress continues on the Buzz Broadband network

Some of the first beta testers for Buzz Broadband were recently connected in the Wing/Pleasant Home areas. Testing is going well and communities throughout the CEC service area are excited about this new service. We also made our first voice call using Buzz’s land-line phone service and it worked as expected. We hope those who…
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Why Buzz Broadband?

  • Buzz Broadband is a fiber-based broadband service that brings the highest available broadband speeds at competitive prices to CEC members. Having fast and reliable access to such technology takes the sting out of meeting deadlines, virtual learning, working from home and running a business.

    Because of the impact of high-speed internet on business, education and overall quality of life, providing broadband service will play an integral role in our region’s growth. We believe this service will provide CEC members with the sweetest online experience.

    Reliable and affordable access to fiber-based broadband has been limited for those who live in rural areas. CEC is pleased to help provide a solution that is truly BUZZworthy.