Buzz Broadband addresses the prolonged internet outage that shut service down to nearly all Buzz customers

Buzz Broadband internet service went down at midnight on Aug. 28, for scheduled maintenance that was expected to last no longer than four hours. However, during that time a major issue occurred involving an equipment switch and critical internet routing problems developed. This resulted in an extended system-wide interruption of internet service to most Buzz Broadband customers.

Fiber technicians worked diligently for nearly 15 hours to assess intricate issues and implement the necessary repairs and adjustments required to restore service to all Buzz customers affected by this outage. We value every single customer that we serve, whether it’s commercial or residential, they all matter at Buzz Broadband. We understand the frustration and inconvenience experienced by our customers when internet service was not available, and we sincerely apologize for this unfortunate situation. Rest assured, steps are being taken to strengthen our plans and protocols to prevent a situation like this one from occurring again.

While we always strive to provide reliable internet service 24/7, no internet provider can guarantee zero interruptions to service. It’s the same for electricity. What we can guarantee is our commitment to the people we serve through Buzz Broadband and Covington Electric Cooperative. As part of that commitment, we also prioritize communication efforts to keep everyone informed about what’s happening at both companies on a regular basis. Whether the news is positive and exciting, or unfavorable, we use multiple communication channels to achieve this goal. There may be times when our social media platforms become inundated with comments and questions regarding a major issue like the one, we just experienced, and we do not have the manpower to address them all. When misinformation is being disseminated via our own social media platforms, we will take steps to temporarily eliminate that option. Opinions are not facts, and we want to help ensure that the people we serve get the facts as they become available straight from the source.

 We are honored to be an integral part of the communities we serve, and we will never take that privilege for granted. Thank you.

Why Buzz Broadband?

  • Buzz Broadband is a fiber-based broadband service that brings the highest available broadband speeds at competitive prices to CEC members. Having fast and reliable access to such technology takes the sting out of meeting deadlines, virtual learning, working from home and running a business.

    Because of the impact of high-speed internet on business, education and overall quality of life, providing broadband service will play an integral role in our region’s growth. We believe this service will provide CEC members with the sweetest online experience.

    Reliable and affordable access to fiber-based broadband has been limited for those who live in rural areas. CEC is pleased to help provide a solution that is truly BUZZworthy.